Upcoming sessions
ceramic workshop - MARCH (5)
In case of cancellation, the course fee will only be refunded if the cancellation is notified to us at least 2 weeks before the first session. Please send your cancellation to workshop@khn.lu .
ceramic workshop - MARCH (6)
In case of cancellation, the course fee will only be refunded if the cancellation is notified to us at least 2 weeks before the first session. Please send your cancellation to workshop@khn.lu .
ceramic workshop - APRIL (7)
In case of cancellation, the course fee will only be refunded if the cancellation is notified to us at least 2 weeks before the first session. Please send your cancellation to workshop@khn.lu .
ceramic workshop - MAY (8)
In case of cancellation, the course fee will only be refunded if the cancellation is notified to us at least 2 weeks before the first session. Please send your cancellation to workshop@khn.lu .
ceramic workshop - JUNE (9)
In case of cancellation, the course fee will only be refunded if the cancellation is notified to us at least 2 weeks before the first session. Please send your cancellation to workshop@khn.lu .
ceramic workshop - JUNE (10)
In case of cancellation, the course fee will only be refunded if the cancellation is notified to us at least 2 weeks before the first session. Please send your cancellation to workshop@khn.lu .
Past sessions
ceramic workshop - SEPTEMBER (1)
ceramic workshop - NOVEMBER (2)
ceramic workshop - FEBRUARY (3)
ceramic workshop - FEBRUARY (4)
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Créer sa propre céramique! Un atelier amusant et détendu pour tout âge et donc une belle expérience créative en famille. Mais bien évidemment un atelier qui s’adresse aussi à des intéressé.e.s sans enfants. Dessiner, tamponer, gratter, moucheter et gargoullier jusqu’à ce que la tasse ou l’assiette préférée est réussie. Les pièces à dessiner peuvent être choisies librement en avance.
L’atelier de céramique malmal à Trèves s’occupe de l’émaillage et de la cuisson. Les pièces peuvent être retirées au KHN ca. 14 jours après le cours.
En collaboration avec l’atelier de céramique malmal, Trèves.